DATE: Thursday, April 29, 2021

TIME: 11:30 AST | 12:30 GST

DURATION: 1 hour


For food and feed companies and service laboratories specializing in the food industry, the prediction of fats stability to oxidation of raw material and finished products is a matter of ever-growing importance with many operational and economic implications. The stability tests performed with the OXITEST reactor accelerate the oxidation process that in normal conditions can last weeks or months and provide fast, accurate and reliable results according to the AOCS Cd 12c-16 International Standard Procedure. Join Dr. Antonella Cavazza - Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences & Environmental Sustainability at the University of Parma, as she presents about studies and findings related to food research and packaging materials using VELP's OXITEST.


Dr. Antonella Cavazza

Department of Chemistry,

Life Sciences & Environmental Sustainability

University of Parma

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